Python common format string method summary [percent sign and format method]

  • 2020-05-12 02:49:21
  • OfStack

This article illustrates the common format string methods of Python. I will share it with you for your reference as follows:

[mode 1] percent sign (%) mode, printf of class C, needs different types.

1. Anonymous tuple. (recommended for low parameters)

>>> ' Name: %s,  Age: %d' % ('walker', 99)
' Name: walker,  Age: 99'

2. Name dict. The key of the dictionary can be reused.

>>> ' Name: %(name)s,  Age: %(age)d,  Length of service: %(age)d' % {'name':'walker', 'age':99}
' Name: walker,  Age: 99,  Length of service: 99'

The format function does not need to specify a string or a numeric type.

1. Anonymous parameters.

>>> ' Name: {0},  Age: {1}'.format('walker', 99)
' Name: walker,  Age: 99'

2, named parameters, parameters can be reused. (recommended for multi-parameter use)

>>> ' Name: {name},  Age: {age},  Length of service: {age}'.format(name='walker', age=99)
' Name: walker,  Age: 99,  Length of service: 99'

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I hope this article has helped you with your Python programming.

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